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Friday, September 27, 2013


The ACT Development Programme’s current funding cycle will come to a close on September 30.

Funded by Nedbank Arts Affinity, this Arts & Culture Trust (ACT) programme is designed to enhance the continued development of arts and culture in South Africa. In particular, the ACT Development Programme is aimed at the continued advancement of artistic excellence in creative production and development of new South African work, professional development and training for the youth.

Open for applications on an on-going basis, the ACT Development Programme makes once-off grants up to a maximum of R50,000 available for disbursement. In support of the development of new South African work, the development of arts professionals and projects involved in arts training for the youth, individual artists, arts and culture organisations and small creative businesses are invited to submit applications for funding.

To encourage growth and innovation within the arts and culture sector, all expressions of art including, but not limited to, literature, theatre, dance, craft, music, new media and visual art projects across South Africa will be considered for support. The current funding cycle comes to a close on September 30 2013, with the outcome available on November 13 2013.

The next funding cycle closes on January 31 2014, and the outcome will be available by March 15 2014. For more information on the ACT Development Programme or to submit an online application, visit

NB: The decision of the ACT Board of Trustees with regard to all applications for funding is final and no further correspondence will be entered into.

The Arts & Culture Trust (ACT) is South Africa’s premier independent arts, culture and heritage funding and development agency. ACT strives to increase funding opportunities within the arts sector, to support sustainable cultural projects and, ultimately, to contribute to social development more broadly.
To receive updates follow ACT on Twitter at!/actorgza or like the Trust’s Facebook page at