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Tuesday, October 29, 2013


(Güner Güven (above) & Hassan Oum’Hamed)

Twist Theatre Development Projects will host an artistic team from the Theatre Company Stut from the Netherlands in October and November.
The group will perform at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg campus and at the Isigcawu Festival at the Ekhaya Multi-Arts Centre in KwaMashu. There will be a public performance of the double bill Friend & Mahmoud at Stable Theatre in Durban.
Stut Theatre Company was founded in 1977 and is the oldest community-based theatre company in the Netherlands. Its philosophy is to create productions with, for, and by residents of multicultural working-class neighbourhoods.
Twist project manager Dr Emma Durden comments: “It is a great opportunity for us to have a community group from another country to show their work locally, where there is such a strong tradition of community theatre. We hope we can both learn from them and share our own experiences of how community stories give rise to great theatre. We are very grateful to the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, who have provided the funding for this exchange.”
The double bill of two short plays, Friend and Mahmoud, is about growing up as migrants in the Netherlands, and is directed by Sharon Varekamp and performed by Hassan Oum’Hamed and Güner Güven. The work is fun, and very physical, but also takes audiences into the heart of the difficult decisions that immigrants make when they leave their homeland in search of a better life.
Both pieces are based on the real-life experiences of the two actors. Hassan came to The Netherlands from Morocco and Güven arrived at the same time from rural Turkey. Both followed their fathers who, along with thousands of other migrant workers, uprooted themselves in the 1970s and 80s to find work in factories in The Netherlands. They have been friends since they were seven years old. Growing up in one of the rougher areas of the city, their choices weren’t always the best. Both ended up as youth workers and discovered the theatre. Today, they continue to combine both careers.
There will be a free public performance of Friend & Mahmoud at Stable Theatre in Durban on November 2 at 14h00 and all are welcome. For more details contact Stable Theatre on 031 309 2513.
Twist Theatre Development Projects is supported by the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund.