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Monday, October 7, 2013


(Ismail Mohamed)

Ismail Mohamed shares tips and advice on building new audiences and a support base. (Review by Pauline Dalais)

At the recent Witness Hilton Arts Festival Director of the National Arts Festival, Ismail Mahomed, discussed the biggest challenges in the Arts sector.

Building on his many years of experience which included his work as a senior cultural specialist at the United States Embassy, director of the Witbank Civic Theatre and director of the Creative Arts Workshops, he provided a highly informative hour of advice.

A point that made most sense to me was his comment that the boardroom stifles the arts. Your location for meetings and networking is important for what you want to set your ideas on. His advice is not to have meetings with artists in a boardroom – that is not their space. Artists work best in creative places.

In building new audiences and a support base, his advice was to “identify your audiences” and find the right niche market. When pitching for funding, try not to use the words “sponsor, grant” etc.

He uses the term “gatekeepers” often – referring to those individuals who can make or break an arts organisation’s way forward. We have to work at how we identify who the gatekeeper is and work through them. What is the personality of the organisation and of the individuals working within the organisation? They have to feel part of the team, as if it’s their vision as well. Engage in partnerships and in each other’s mindspaces.

At what distance do you keep your allies? Go to their websites or phone and speak to their contact person. Begin to understand the trust levels ie how much information to divulge. The more you engage, the levels of trust increase. Look for something which breaks the barriers. Look for common ground between you and the person.

Be transparent in your ideas and thoughts and engage the people you work with. Allow them behind the scenes into what you are thinking.

Create a quirkiness about your organisation otherwise it has a danger of sliding into the mundane.

Thank you, Ismail, I left your presentation feeling better equipped to take arms on the corporate support battlefield! – Pauline Dalais