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Tuesday, October 8, 2013


(Flautist Bongile Lecoge-Zulu)

This year the focus of the New Music Indaba is on showcasing some of South Africa's many talented composers and performers. Formed specifically for the festival, The South African New Music Ensemble will consist of some of South Africa’s leading contemporary music performers.

Rather than the formation of the ensemble being a once-off occurrence for the duration of the festival, the plan is for the ensemble to become a permanent feature of the South African new music landscape, with a repertoire of contemporary (and especially South African) music.

The ensemble members are Géza Kayser (violin), Marguerite Spies (cello), Brydon Bolton (double bass), Bongile Lecoge-Zulu (flute), Morné van Heerden (clarinet), Jill Richards (piano) Frank Mallows (percussion), and conductor Gerben Grooten.

This concert will feature solo works and small ensemble works by sub-groups of the main ensemble, and will include works such as Martinu's Duo no 1 for violin and cello and Boulez's Douze Notations (solo piano), and several works by South African composers including Kevin Volans' Double Take, (clarinet and piano), Hendrik Hofmeyr's Cadenza (solo cello) and a new work by Yogin Sullaphen for flute and electronics.

The South African New Music Ensemble will perform on October 11 at 20h00 in Howard College at UKZN. Tickets R50 (R20 students/pensioners, free for NewMusicSA members) at the door. For more information, contact 072 822 7988, email: or visit