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Tuesday, October 8, 2013


The Sunday Matinée Concert of the 2013 New Music Indaba brings the festival to a close and showcases young performers from around the country.

Opening the concert is an octet of cadet players from the KZN Philharmonic Orchestra who will perform a work specially composed for them by South African composer, Peter Klatzow. This is followed by a programme of works performed by an ensemble made up of students and lecturers from North-West University. This ensemble is supported by North-West University and ISAM.

The Sunday Matinée Concert takes place on October 13 at 14h00. This is a free concert (donations welcome). For more information, contact 072 822 7988, email: or visit

The New Music Indaba is supported by NAC (the National Arts Council), SAMRO, the University of KZN, Business and Arts SA and the KZN Performing Arts Trust.