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Friday, November 15, 2013


Advocate Vusi Pikoli, former head of South Africa's National Prosecuting Authority, will launch his next book on November 22.

“Don’t settle for being a recipient of second-hand information,” reads the invitation from the Xubera Institute for Research and Development. “Hear the truth first hand. He “never took any sides” but respected the flag, the constitution and the citizens of South Africa. Thabo Mbeki failed to convince him. He never jumped for Jacob Zuma’s dangling carrot. He was Jacky Selebi’s nightmare. Frene Ginwala exonerated him. He refused to be a puppet.”

Xubera offers an invitation to “come and engage the man that was once at the core of the South African political power struggle.”

The launch will take place on November 22 at 18h30 for 19h00 in the Hilton Hotel’s Polo Club venue. Admission R60 (payable at the door). RSVP: or call 0823524277