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Tuesday, February 18, 2014


(Gisele Turner)
Gisele Turner’s Drama Studio focuses on speech, drama and creative play, offering morning classes for Home School Learners, afternoon classes and individual lessons.

Speech: Speech, Sight Reading and Speech Delivery.

Literature: Poetry, Prose, Written Plays, Creative Writing

Drama: Characterisation, Play-Making, Physical Theatre, Story Telling, Movement and Mime

Theatrical Skills: Object Theatre, Props Manipulation, Dress Ups

Art / Craft: Illustrations, drawing, painting and sculpting

MUSIC: Soundscapes, singing, percussion and use of selected recorded music for movement

Lessons take place at 45 Vausedale Crescent in Escombe. For more confirmation contact Gisele Turner on 031 464 5871 or 083 545 8546 or email: