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Saturday, May 31, 2014


This afternoon (May 31)  at 14h00, the KZNSA will host an Artist Walkabout with Isabel Mertz and Jeff Rankin, who will take patrons through the journeys that led to their beautiful solo exhibitions currently on view.

Mertz recently returned from Paris where she took up her 2011 Gerard Sekoto most promising artist award, and she invites the viewer to engage in sculptures and prints that explore her encounters with the ‘unmappable’. Rankin, meanwhile, will offer insight into his unique collaboration with poet Doug Knox, aka Wylde, where Rankin's distinctive woodcuts illustrate selected extracts of Wylde’s poetry.

Isabel Mertz’s exhibition is presented by Absa, together with the French Institute of South Africa in collaboration with SANAVA, the Embassy of France in South Africa and the French cultural network of Alliances Française in Southern Africa.