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Saturday, July 5, 2014


(Reviews from the artSMart team currently in Grahamstown at the National Arts Festival)

(David Muller)

David Muller tells Herman Charles Bosman stories with skill and panache. (Review by Keith Millar)

One of the important aspects of any stage production is the quality of its script. So when the material being used has been written none other than by much-loved South African author, Herman Charles Bosman, the production is probably off to a pretty good start.

However, it still takes a good actor to bring the words to life, and to create the magic on the stage. This is exactly what David Muller does with his charming production at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown, More Oom Schalk Stories.

Muller takes on the persona of Bosman’s ubiquitous story-teller, Oom Schalk Lourens. Dressed in his khakis, veldskoene and floppy hat, he relates the hilarious antics of larger than life characters that populate the Groot Mariko district of the Lowveld.

Included in Muller’s programme are favourite Bosman stories such as Starlight in the Veld, Susana and the Play Actor, A Bekkersdaal Marathon, The Brothers and Willem Prisloo’s Peach Brandy.

When growing up, many of us had a grandfather or favourite uncle who would sit on the veranda or in front of the fire and regale us with improbable tall stories. Well, David Muller is that story-teller. His style is intimate and chatty, and he tells the stories with skill and panache. He is a worthy successor to the late, great Patrick Mynhardt who toured the country for 30 years performing Herman Charles Bosman’s stories.

More Oom Schalk Stories will be on at the Library Hall in Grahamstown until July 11.

The good news for Durban audiences is that David Muller will bring his production to the Seabrooke’s Theatre at Durban High School from July 15 to 26. - Keith Millar

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