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Saturday, July 5, 2014


(Reviews from the artSMart team currently in Grahamstown at the National Arts Festival)

60 hilarious minutes of a man's point of view on pregnancy, birth and fatherhood. (Review by Pauline Dalais)

Comedian Chris Forrest takes us on a hilarious journey of the unsuspecting father-to-be. He is fully daddy-kitted with baby harnessed to his chest in a carrier, diapers and feeding cups dangling from his jeans pockets, baby bag, toy bag and crib.

He makes jabs about TRYING for a baby and sowing his wild oats. Not forgetting the Blackberry application that tells you how to try! We travel the journeys of the trimesters, starting with urine tests to confirm pregnancy, the mood swings of the first trimester, the joys of the first scan and learning the golden rule of never arguing with a pregnant woman.

Onwards onto the second trimester which is dubbed the "happy trimester" and where you get to know the sex of your baby.

Baby Expo's and baby product demonstrations are the trip for the third trimester. We then get to the anxious birthing process and the joys of holding the newborn offspring. This is when you realise that you have entered the world of dirty diapers and sleepless nights!

Catch the rest of Who’s Your Daddy?’s run at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown at the Scout Hall on July 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12 and 13. Tickets R50 and R60. Who's Your Daddy is directed by Bevan Cullinan and written and performed by Chris Forrest There is an age restriction of 13 plus because of strong language used in the production. – Pauline Dalais

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