Mpyane & Alyssa Bouwer)
Ten of South Africa’s finest young music stars have arrived
in Durban perform with the KZN Philharmonic Orchestra in their symphony concert
at the Durban City Hall tomorrow night (September 18).
This annual concert, known as the National Youth Concerto
Festival, provides an opportunity for the cream of South Africa’s up and coming
musical talent to perform on stage with the full orchestra. For some of these
exceptional young musicians it will be their first performance on a symphony
concert stage and undoubtedly their gateway to a professional career in music.
The KZN Philharmonic is dedicated to supporting and
nurturing the musical talents of South Africa’s youth. Bongani Tembe, Chief
Executive and Artistic Director, says: “We believe that music helps to enrich
the lives of people both young and old. For young students music not only
brings joy and fulfilment but enhances their educational achievement whilst
broadening their historical and cultural understanding.”
The concert is a wonderful selection of concerti from a wide
range of composers: Kabalevsky, Bruch, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Lalo, Mozart,
Gounod, Weber and Saint-Saëns
The soloists who were auditioned in centres around the
country are Leo Gevisser, Richard Rheeder and Willem de Beer (all pianists),
Samantha van Gysen and Jonathan Mayer (both violin), Johannes Slabbert
(baritone), Axolile Hoza (flute), Visser Liebenberg (clarinet) and Alyssa
Bouwer (clarinet) with Kgaugelo Mpyane (viola) who will perform a double
Conducting the performance is Lykele Temmingh, a founder
member of the KZN Philharmonic and resident conductor.
This very special concert commences at 19h30 tomorrow
(September 18) and is a wonderful opportunity to see South Africa’s new
generation of musical stars take to the stage. Preceding the concert outside
the City Hall the Durban Music School Jazz Band will perform from 18h30 to
Booking is through Computicket or purchase tickets at the