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Sunday, October 12, 2014


(“Migration I" by Louise Hall)

Opening tomorrow (October 13) at 18h30 in artSPACEdurban’s Middle Gallery is Louise Hall’s exhibition titled Migration.

“Migration is a small body of recent mixed media drawings,” explains Hall. “These open-ended and light-hearted works explore some of the fundamentals of drawing, in particular, line and point. And reflect what seem to be perennial themes in my work of transition, departure and change.

“Drawing as medium and process is fundamental to my artistic practice,” she continues. “So when I paint, I am drawing. Drawing helps me chart my artistic direction and after an intense period of working I use drawing to cast around to find new ideas and images. The drawings in this Migration Series represent the beginnings of a new body of work.”

Hall completed a practice-led PhD at the Centre for Visual Art, (CVA), at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. The focus of this research was drawing and specifically its generative potential. In addition, Louise has art teaching experience at high school, university and adult education levels. She is also an experienced facilitator, having worked in the organisational and development facilitation context.

She was a founder member of DWEBA, an NGO that worked with rural craftswomen and developed a participatory training methodology using drawing as a central component. This methodology was published as a resource guide in 2001 entitled, Drawing Our Lives.

artSPACE durban is situated at 3 Millar Road (off Umgeni Road) close to the Waste Centre. More information on 031 312 0793 or visit or

For more information about Louise Hall visit