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Monday, December 8, 2014


(Soprano Nozuko Teto)

The eighth and last 2014 Series concert of Baroque 2000 will take place on December 14.

This special Christmas concert programme is in aid of one of Baroque 2000’s dear colleagues – Vessela Minkova (bassoonist) – who is fighting cancer. Although she has made remarkable progress, she still requires extremely expensive medical treatment.

“We as friends and colleagues will donate our performance fee to Vessela and hope in this way to contribute to her quick recovery,” says Simon Milliken on behalf of Baroque 2000. “We will ask the audience for their own contribution at the end of the performance on December 14”.

The programme will include excerpts from Handel’s Messiah with soprano Nozuko Teto as soloist, The bright Seraphim from Samson, opera by Handel (Nozuko Teto and trumpet). Also performed will be Torelli’s Christmas Concerto a 4 Op 8; Vivaldi’s Concerto Grosso RV 163; Albicastro’s Concerto Grosso XII and Corelli’s Concerto fatto per la note di Natale.

The concert will take place on December 14 at 11h00 at the Church of the Mariannhill Monastery. Tickets R120 at the door. Ample and safe parking available.

For more information contact Michel Schneuwly on 031 312 5539 or 082 303 5241.

Project sponsored by Die Rupert Musiekstigting