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Thursday, January 8, 2015


(Andrew Verster encourages KZN artists and crafters to follow his example)

Acclaimed Durban-based visual artist Andrew Verster has endorsed the 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day by knitting some squares to be incorporated into a blanket.

“A blanket is one of the basics of life,” he says. “To be wrapped up and cuddled and made to feel safe and warm takes us back to our first moments. This is such a good project, I would like friends to be part of it, too.”

Apart from oils, watercolours, prints and collage, Verster has worked in a number of different mediums, mostly in collaboration with others. These include glass, weaving, making costumes for theatre productions and wood carving.

Verster visited One Stitch at a Time in Glenwood Village, to decide on the size of needles he would use, as it is some time since he worked in wool.
Good news from this busy little wool shop is that they will have a sale from next Thursday (January 15) when all wool will be less 10%.

The first Durban official Blanket Handover will take place on February 9 at a venue still to be confirmed and entry to the event will be a blanket made by your own hands. 

If you feel like knitting a blanket – no matter how unskilled you are, there are many people available to help.

For more information, see the latest press release on this incredible project which has expanded to an international level…/12/knitwits-own-wool-brand.html