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Saturday, January 17, 2015


With support from the National Arts Council, ASSITEJ SA will host a full day forum on Theatre4Youth at the Catalina Theatre on January 20.

The Forum is part of a nationwide series of engagements to bring together artists, theatre makers, festivals and producers, as well as educators and other stakeholders, to discuss the potential of theatre and the arts in the new national curriculum, as well as to address the internal and external challenges that arts for young audiences face more broadly within the sector.

As part of the discussion, ASSITEJ SA will explain its efforts to bridge the gaps between professional theatre and education through the programme Theatre4Youth. Crucially, ASSITEJ SA will uncover the roadmap to the 19th ASSITEJ World Congress and Performing Arts festival to be held in Cape Town in May 2017 and how local artists can get involved.

ASSITEJ will also run a free workshop on making theatre for young audiences on January 19 from 10h00 to 12h00 as part of the Musho Festival. This masterclass focuses on creating theatre for young people and working with schools. Talented young Deaf performer Sibo Masondo performs an extract from Eenie Meanie Greenie GROW!, an eco-comedy devised and directed by veteran theatre maker Gisele Turner. Turner will talk about creating work for young people and Yvette Hardie from Assitej South Africa will provide input on working with schools and with the Department of Basic Education. The workshop is free, but booking is essential on 031 201 4750.

ASSITEJ SA’s full day forum on Theatre4Youth takes place the following day (January 20) from 09h00 to 16h00 at the Catalina Theatre. Entrance is free but booking is essential - please contact Pauline to confirm your attendance on 078 351 8718 or email