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Sunday, January 25, 2015


(Sandi Dlangalala in a dramatic scene from the play. Pic by Mia van der Merwe)

Presented by the Schlesinger Theatre at Michaelhouse and created by Tristan Jacobs and the cast, Hanamichi is a non-verbal, visual theatre, masterfully combining Japanese traditional theatre with Afro-European storytelling; based on The Thought Fox by Ted Hughes.

This piece is a hybrid, a dialogue between Western and Eastern theatre forms. It explores the isolation, boredom and imagination that all fluctuate in the creative process of writing. The work is dedicated to all those who have ever tried putting pen to paper.

Stylistically Afro-Asian, with costumes designed by the local clothing label Lady Jane Designs, the play is aesthetically rewarding – using simple props and set to tell the tale of “getting the words out.” Ironically the words are missing throughout the play; expression is instead delivered through physicality, puppetry, mask-work and inventive lighting.

The theatre is transformed into a Butai, reinventing the traditional Noh stage (traditional Japanese theatre). It displays artwork that moves through traditional Japanese print to comic-book manga via Visual Poetry.

Welcome to a collaborative event that is magically inquisitive, imaginative storytelling performed on the Axis Mundi – that liminal space where reality shifts and warbles with each breath.

The production is supported by the Department of Arts & Culture’s Mzansi Golden Economy Grant.

Hanamichi runs at the Schlesinger Theatre at Michaelhouse on January 29 and 30 at 19h30. Tickets: R80 booked via email through Mrs Angela Jonsson at or call 033 234 1314 (from April 21 - Weekdays between 08h00 and 13h00)