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Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Photographers wishing to be part of the National Arts Festival’s Foto Fence project have until February 13, 2015, to submit applications for the city-wide competition.

At the end of last year the Festival announced the Foto Fence competition devised by Rhodes University lecturer and photographer Brent Meistre, as part of the Creative City initiative. This competition forms part of the Creative City initiative in partnership with The National Arts Festival, The European Union and Rhodes University. The idea behind this was to encourage and identify up and coming photographers to enter and win the chance to be mentored and trained as photographers.

The only rule was that all photographs should be taken within the Grahamstown/Rhini or Makana Municipality region. Any age person may submit work but entrants must confine themselves to any one of four categories (listed below) and only five photographs may be entered per person.

City/Land Scapes – the streets/landscapes at dawn, dusk or the city at night.
Afro-Futurists & Selfies – Creative portraits or over-the-top selfies, re-imaging yourself and the future.
Life Up-Close –Close-up or macro photographs or the unseen, historical places, forgotten traces or the unusual.
Live – Action – Dynamic, fast-moving, fleeting and frozen moments, dancing, jumping, flying, floating, sports, news or action.

There will be a variety of cash prizes in the four categories amounting to an overall value of R10,000 as well as other photographic related prizes. Only the finalists will be exhibited and included in the Foto Fence exhibition on Fiddlers Green.

The National Arts Festival will then draw them into their Makana Arts Academy training programme and assist them to get their professional careers started.

Meistre, who will head the judging panel and lead the process, said that he was hoping "to discover hidden creative photographers in Grahamstown who see their immediate world around them with a fresh, unique and different eye".

The judges will select the finalists, whose work, together with the work of established Grahamstown photographers, will make up the Foto Fence exhibition in March. Winners will be announced on March 4 after the official opening.

The closing date for entries is February 13, 2015, and full details and entry forms are available for download at