Deadline: September
25, 2015
Dance Umbrella 2016 will take place at the Dance Factory,
Market Theatre, Soweto Theatre and the Wits Theatre Complex, Johannesburg from
February 24 to March 6, 2016.
Dance Umbrella remains a free platform for new contemporary
choreography and dance. The 28th edition of this internationally renowned
festival will include:
- Main programme, which will focus on new work (30 to 60
minutes long) from South African choreographers and invited international works
-Young Artists programme, which will focus on young
choreographers creating work that challenges and interrogates
- Street Beat and Stepping Stones programmes which is specifically for youth groups,
community groups and hip hop/pantsula or anyone who wants to show a new work
within a space that supports the process, with lighting and sound. When the
Stepping Stones and Street Beat programmes are fully subscribed, no further
entries will be accepted.
The Dance Umbrella platform is open to any new contemporary
dance work that includes performance art, hip hop, pantsula and afro-fusion.
The selection of works and the sequence of the programmes is done at the
discretion of the organisers, the artistic director and consultants.
The venues for Dance Umbrella and all technical facilities
within the budget, the theatre, publicity, posters and programmes are provided free,
at no cost to the participating choreographers, dance companies or groups. All
choreographers programmed on the programmes for which tickets are purchased,
will received 20% of the total door-take of the Dance Umbrella.
The closing date for entries is September 25, 2015 – no late
entries will be accepted. To receive an entry form email your details to
or call 011 492 2033.
For any further information contact 011 492 0709/2033 or fax
011 492 2030 or e-mail: