(Rob Mills, "X Causality", digital
print on canvas)
Running in the Main
Gallery of artSPACEdurban is Reflections
on Light, a group exhibition of artists and scientists.
Similar to previous
events involving scientists and artists, artSPACE durban has organized an
exhibition focusing on the fact that 2015 has been declared The International
Year of Light by the United Nations.
“We have assembled
scientists, mainly physicists and chemists from the University KZN Westville
campus, to form partnerships with artists to work towards one artwork per
artist,” explains artSPACE durban’s co-owner Karen Bradtke. “Our first meeting
with the scientists took place on June 10 at artSPACE durban. This first
meeting was designed for the artists to meet the scientists and to choose the
particular theme and scientist to work with.”
The dialogue
between the artist and the scientist over the intervening weeks directed the
artists to produce a work that is a reflection of that particular conversation.
The scientists include
Werner van Zyl; Thomas Konrad; Neil Koorbanally; Giuseppe Pellicane; Tanja
Reinhardt; Benjamin Perez; Mark Tame, and Gareth Amery.
The artists
represented are Ann-Marie Nason; Paulo Menezes; Dane Stops; Camilla Kinnear; Pamela
Benporath; Rob Mills; Trui Roozeveld van der Ven, and Karen Bradtke.
The public Honours
lectures in Physics will take place on August 14th:
09h00 to 10h30: Prof
Jonathan Blackledge (former Stokes Professor at Dublin Institute of Technology
now DVC and Head of the Research Office of UKZN). Theme: Encryption and Information Hiding
10h40 to 12h10: Prof
Francesco Petruccione (SARCHI Chair for Quantum Information Processing and
Computation). Theme: Quantum Optics &
Quantum Information
Reflections on Light runs until August 29. artSPACE
durban is situated at 3 Millar Road (off Umgeni Road) close to the Waste
Centre. More information on 031 312 0793 or visit www.artspacedurban.co.za or www.artspacedurban.blogspot.com