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Tuesday, October 27, 2015


(René Tshiakanyi)

The Centre for Jazz and Popular Music will present René Tshiakanyi on the final “Twosday” for the 2015 series. This will take place tonight (Tuesday October 27) at 18h00.

Acknowledged as a sensational singer/songwriter, Tshiakanyi is known for performing in French, English, Afrikaans and Portuguese. He describes his music as a mixture of Classic and pop ballads. He is influenced by folk music, reggae and Rnb music.

His first album entitled Now that I am Free was released in 2011 and he plans to release his second album soon. 2015 saw Rene being appointed the Lifeline Durban brand Ambassador. His work includes raising awareness about Lifeline Durban and its services to the community,

To start his 2015 Summer tour, René Tshiakanyi performs live at the Centre for Jazz alongside well loved Durban percussionist Richard Ellis.

The concert takes place at 18h00 tonight (October 27) at 18h00 at The Centre for Jazz and Popular Music (CJPM) Level 2, Shepstone Building, UKZN Howard College Campus. Entry R50 (R30 pensioners and R15 students). Contact Thuli on 031 260 3385 or email for more information.