Theatre director and scriptwriter Themi Venturas is also the Administrative Secretary
of the CCIFSA KZN General Council.
He sends the following important invitation on behalf of the
Regional – Provincial Organising Committee:
All interested stakeholders and artists from the Cultural
and Creative Industries sector are invited to a report back meeting on the
formation and roll-out plans of the Creative & Cultural Industries
Federation of South Africa (CCIFSA) in KwaZulu-Natal.
An extensive District Roadshow Roll-out plan will be
announced at the meeting and feedback will be delivered to all stakeholders
about the National and Provincial CCIFSA progress. A Provincial Organising Committee
(POC) has been established by the KZN General Council and the artists of KZN to
deliver the KZN CCIFSA Provincial Conference in 2016.
Attendance at this meeting is crucial. It will take place on
Thursday (November 19) at 10h00 at the Durban Music School.