An ensemble of comedy young guns, hosted by
veteran Mervyn Pillay, will unleash their fresh new blend of standup at Sibaya on
September 29 and 30, 2017.
The show, Laugh Lukker Comedy will take place in the iZulu Theatre. Amongst
the new blood in the mix are Liam Johns, Yusuph Kadoo, Mo Vawda and Jeremiah
Gounden. True to Pillay’s form, there will be a musical twist to the show,
featuring Christopher K. Get ready for a hilarious, laugh-and-sing-along show
with the future of KZN comedy.
Tickets R120 from Computicket,
Shoprite/Checkers or Sibaya Box Office.
For more information visit or follow Sibaya on or on
Twitter @SibayaCasino