(Left: Rainy Day Scripts logo)
Cape Town based and past pupil of Berea Girls Primary and Berea Girls High (now Ridge Park College) in Durban, Caroline Raine, is launching Rainy Day Scripts, a co-operative platform and business to share scripts, specifically for school contexts.
“I am very proud to announce the launch of our service which could make the school production journey even more joyful and dynamic. After 30 years of teaching Drama in schools from grades 1 - 12, and many school productions later, I am making my scripts available for purchase and production in South Africa, she explains.
“The role of Drama in schools is so important- School Production is an incredible educational tool - it’s not about wearing a costume and remembering lines ... it’s so much more. It’s there on the stage that children step into something beyond themselves and where they grow and discover more of themselves.”
(Right: Caroline Raine)
As an ex-Durbanite and a Drama teacher with 30 years of teaching experience (which began at Berea Girls High School with Liberty Bell who was her teacher), she is very excited about this newly launched business concept to promote and develop script-writing for production in schools in South Africa. Plays written by Drama teachers for Drama teachers.
She studied in the Drama Department at the University of KZN under Professor Pieter Scholtz and was lectured by Mervyn McMurtry, Gillian Hurst, Neville Herrington and Nerissa Livingstone to name a few. She now lives in Cape Town where she has been teaching Drama for many years.
“Most schools and Drama teachers caught midway through rehearsals in 2020, will be unsure of plans for school productions this year. And while we wait for the go-ahead to think about staging anything this year, perhaps teachers across South African might find inspiration in our catalogue, join the conversation on our Facebook Page and think about contributing their works to our catalogue,” she says.
“Each script has been developed specifically for the school context. I specialise in reworking beloved public domain texts for contemporary school contexts. I prefer to work with classic children’s literature which I develop into exciting modern scripts, while staying true to the original work. It is YOU and YOUR creativity and ideas which will bring any production to life. I am passionate about growing confidence and joy in teachers who work with children in theatre, and I am only an email or message away for help and consultation, be it staging in the traditional format or adapting to online virtual production.
“At the core of my Theatre Practice philosophy, is my commitment to helping children step into roles (be it on stage or backstage) which develops a greater sense of self and a love for the performing arts. The Stage has the unique ability to grow a sense of the ensemble, team work and performance skills in a variety of disciplines as well as a love for the Arts. I have made available a number of well-used scripts, and I am currently preparing another set of exciting stage scripts including Shakespeare’s The Tempest (a modern adaption), The Jungle Book and Peter Pan.
Scripts can be purchased via the website - highlight this link and then right click on it: https://rainydays.space/
Then follow the "Go to" directions.
Register as a new user. You can purchase and download any script using a Paypal account or by direct EFT (banking details available on request).
Your once-off purchase will allow you full creative license to:
-Adapt and change names of characters
-Set your own number of performances
-Set your own ticket prices
-Design and develop your own set and
costumes without restriction
-Video and photograph and upload and share
on various platforms
-Share your production images on our
Facebook Page and Instagram Account
Rainy Day Scripts also invites any teacher who has written a script for schools - one which has been tried and tested but which is now gathering dust - to submit to us for formatting and uploading to our catalogue. In this way your creation will reach many others.
The copyright remains your own and you receive 80% of the sale.
For further information email carolineannraine@gmail.com