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Sunday, November 6, 2022


Deadline: November 25, 2022, at 17h00

 Business and Arts South Africa NPC (BASA) is one of five entities involved in implementing the South African Presidency and the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture’s (DSAC) PESP funding initiative.

The Presidential Employment Stimulus Programme (PESP) was developed in response to the severe economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic. It aims to create new jobs, provide livelihood support, and protect existing jobs in vulnerable sectors.

PESP3’s core mandate is to create opportunities in the creative and cultural sectors, with a focus on shared value. PESP has demonstrated the government’s capacity to take public employment and other forms of publicly-funded support to a new scale, with the achievement of over 550,000 jobs and livelihood opportunities, with more still in implementation. In the first funding cycle, BASA disbursed over 6 million to successful applicants across the country.

BASA’s role in the implementation of PESP3 is focused on ensuring that the jobs created provide meaningful work experience for participants, which will assist them in penetrating the wider labour market and make them ‘work ready’ as the economic recovery creates more sustainable jobs. With this mandate in mind, BASA is inviting registered small and micro enterprises within the cultural and creative industries to apply for PESP3 grant funding. A registered enterprise is one that is a legal entity (such as a private company, Pty Ltd or proprietary limited company) and must be a business registered with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). This round is not for individuals.

As a first step, applicants should e-mail a formal Expression of Interest letter to on, or before, November 25, 2022, at 17h00. This will comprise a one or two-page document that needs to contain a high overview of the project, the budget breakdown, and the number of employees that will be absorbed through the project. Eligible applicants will then be invited to submit a full application online once their letters have been reviewed.

Only applications that have a well-thought-out plan with clear goals, specific metrics, and measurable impact will be considered. Projects that create jobs and have a clear focus on targeted groups (women, youth, and people living with disabilities) will be given priority consideration. Initiatives that promote human capital development (education, training, technology, innovation, skills and wellness) will also be considered. Late and incomplete applications will not be considered, and no exceptions will be made. Events, festivals and workshops are also not eligible for funding under this programme.

Enquiries may be directed to the BASA switchboard at 011 447 2295 or select the relevant option on the BASA WhatsApp chatbot at


BUSINESS AND ARTS SOUTH AFRICA NPC (BASA) was founded in 1997 as a joint initiative between government and the private sector as part of a strategy to secure greater involvement in the arts and from businesses operating in South Africa. Constituted in terms of the Companies Act, BASA is registered as a public benefit organisation. BASA champions business investment within the arts, cultural and heritage sector, driving focused and sustained partnerships by unlocking shared value and fostering social cohesion. For more information, visit