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Saturday, November 19, 2022


The show is loud and frenetic, but if it’s a party you are after, this is the place to be. Leave your inhibitions at home, put on your dancing shoes and have a jol. (Review by Keith Millar)

The festive season is upon us, and the Barnyard Theatre at Durban’s Suncoast Casino has declared that it is party time.

And they certainly meet the brief with their latest live production - Nineties vs Noughties. A hectic, full-on and flat-out two-hour celebration of the greatest hits from the 1990’s and the 2000’s, which has the ecstatic audience not only dancing in the aisles, but on their chairs and on their tables.

Music heard includes It's My Life, Viva La Vida, Rehab, Uptown Girl, All For Love, Hero, Power of Love, Pulp Fiction, Bailando, It’s My Life, Smooth, Pour Some Sugar, Raise Your Glass, Achy Breaky Heart, Beautiful Girl, I'm Yours, Mambo No 5, Poker Face, I Like To Move It, Sex of Fire, Ndihamba Nawe, Nakalakatha, All Star, Hey Baby and many more of the great hits of the era.

(Left: Jason Kylen & Calli Thomson)

There were a few changes to the line-up of the nine-member cast for the show we attended.

Firstly, the show band which has been together for some time and has built up considerable synergy, has taken a blow with the loss of drummer Dylan van der Linde who has put aside his drumsticks to join the corporate world. However, the hole left by his departure has been adequately filled by Paul Cassels. In only his second appearance, he showed that he fits in well.

Barnyard fire-cracker Savanah de Beer has taken some time off and was replaced by a Barnyard newbie Bernlee Frick. And so, a new Barnyard star is born. She has the looks, the voice and all the moves to make a name for herself in this industry.

Rory Booth was also away, and the accomplished Josh Philander was a more than adequate replacement.

(Right: Themba January & Kyle Mathews)

Compere and singer Themba January does an excellent job. Not only with his singing but in whipping the audience into a frenzy of excitement.

Kyle Mathews is his usual charming and urbane self, while diva Kerry Cherry continues to impress with her powerful vocals and her cheerful demeanour.

Bassist Mr B is as usual rock solid while keyboardist (and musical director) Calli Thomson and guitarist Jason Kylen provide their usual top-drawer performances.

The show is loud and frenetic, but if it’s a party you are after, this is the place to be. Leave your inhibitions at home, put on your dancing shoes and have a jol.

Nineties vs Noughties runs until the January 15, 2023, at The Barnyard Theatre at Suncoast but be warned it is very popular with corporate end of the year functions and booking are going well. So, get in early to avoid disappointment. – Keith Millar

Booking is through The Barnyard at