(Above: Anele Mhlamvu, Aiden
Luo, Charlize Buckley, Björn Krüger, Amy Luo, Josh Griffiths, Asanda Ntuli,
Sung Au, Leander Scharf (picture Val Adamson).)
This Sunday, November 27, Durban’s popular Baroque 2000 initiative presents Young Barockers, its latest concert offering at The Mariannhill Monastery Church in KZN.
This features a line-up of gifted young musicians who will perform a programme of concerti and arias by Handel, Bach, Vivaldi, Green and Rabboni.
“It is a real pleasure to present this month’s concert and give our new-generation talent the opportunity of performing for our loyal patrons,” said Michel Schneuwly, founding director of Baroque 2000.
The Swiss-born music entrepreneur was a founding member of the Natal Philharmonic Orchestra in 1983. He occupied the Principal Trumpet desk of the KZNPO for years, retiring from his post in 2018.
Since forming Baroque 2000 in 1998, Schneuwly has continued to nurture his brainchild with tireless enthusiasm and a savvy sense of programming. He has introduced countless devotees to the joys of the baroque repertoire.
Sunday’s concert starts at 11h30. Tickets at the door @ R170. Children are free. Ample free and safe parking is available. The Monastery Tea Garden will be open for refreshments and light lunches.
Contact Michel on 082 303 5241, or email sursouth@africa.com.