(Above: "Beyond The Body and Gender I" by Debashish Paul. Courtesy of
Saurabh Singh and Suraj Gupta)
Deadline: February 23, 2023 at 23h59 Amsterdam Time.
Young talents have a passion for contributing to a better world through culture and art and they deserve a chance to experiment, find their path, and gain momentum in their work. The Prince Claus Seed Awards are intended to support their journey.
They offer 100 Seed Awards to emerging artists and cultural practitioners, who each receive €5.000 to develop their artistic and cultural practice.
The Fund encourages applications from emerging creatives who:
Empower free expression and create safe spaces that cultivate the creativity and confidence to challenge norms;
Generate exchange, cooperation, and knowledge-sharing related to current global crises;
Generate participation and alternative narratives for minority and marginalised identities and groups, particularly those censored for political, religious, identity, cultural or economic issues.
The deadline for the submission is February 23,
2023 at 23h59 Amsterdam Time.
For information on how to apply visit https://princeclausfund.org/seed-awards-eligibility-criteria-how-to-apply