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Saturday, March 4, 2023



(Above: Daniel Anderson accompanied by Germaine Gamiet. Pic by Katherine Reardon)

“Mad About The Boys” provides a first-rate performance with brilliant music and witty and inciteful dialogue – all put together in an outstanding production. Try not to miss this. (Review by Keith Millar)

The East London based production company, Wela Kapela, returns to Durban’s Rhumbelow Theatre this weekend with another of their innovative and highly entertaining musical cabaret shows.

Their previous offerings, The Story of Eva Cassidy and Julie Andrews Uncut, went down a treat and with their latest production to hit the Durban stage, Mad About The Boys, they have another absolute winner.

Starring the excellent Daniel Anderson who is accompanied by Germane Gamiet on piano the production tells the story in words and music of three of the most iconic entertainers of the last century, matinée idol Ivan Novello, playboy Cole Porter and the quintessential Englishman Noel Coward.

In a beautifully-timed and nuanced performance Anderson is able to recreate these eccentric and rather camp characters who dominated the entertainment and social scenes of their day.

They were actors, singers, songwriters, playwrights, directors and producers. It seems as if there was nothing they could not do. It was an altogether rather suave and elegant era and there is little doubt that Novello, Porter and Coward could be regarded as the influencers of the time.

The script for this production is written by the highly experienced theatre practitioner, who is also the founder of Wela Kapela, Amanda Bothma. She has used plenty of wit and at times a little poignancy in the anecdotes she has used to tell the story. The selection of songs used to tell the story, (chosen from a massive repertoire), are also spot on.

Anderson has a splendid, light and well-controlled voice. He delivers the music with skill and sensitivity. Among the many songs heard are Novello standards such as Keep the Home Fires Burning, We’ll Gather Lilacs and I Can Give You The Starlight.

From Cole Porter there is Its De-Lovely, I Get A Kick Out Of You, I’ve Got You Under My Skin and Anything Goes and Where is the Life That Late I Led while from Coward there is Don’t Put Your Daughter On the Stage Mrs Worthington, Mad Dogs and Englishman, Nina From Argentina and Come The Wild, Wild Weather.

Germane Gamiet provides sensitive and unobtrusive backing on the piano and plays a large part in the texture of the show. He is also the musical director of the production.

The set for this production is beautifully dressed with long drapes and period pieces to create the correct ambiance It is excellently lit by Barry Meehan while Andre Norden provides the usual expertise to his sound mix.

Mad About The Boys provides a first-rate performance with brilliant music and witty and inciteful dialogue – all put together in an outstanding production. Try not to miss this. And I, for one, can’t wait for Wela Kapela’s next visit to Durban.

There are still three performances left: Today (Saturday) March 4 at 19h30 and on March 5 at 14h00 and 17h00. Running time: 60 minutes. (Venue opens 90 minutes before show for drinks)

Tickets R190. Bring food picnic baskets or buy at the venue. Bar available (no alcohol may be brought on to the premises). There is limited secure parking.

Booking is essential on email: or through Computicket.

For more information contact 0824998636 or visit

Rhumbelow Theatre is situated at 42 Cunningham Road, off Bartle Road in Umbilo, Durban. – Keith Millar