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Tuesday, August 29, 2023



(Right: Portrait of Evgeny Konnov by Alexander Yarmak)

 The next (Concert #2) in the KZN Philharmonic Early Spring Season takes place on Thursday, August 31 at 19h00 in the Playhouse Opera Theatre and will feature an international Award-Winning Russian pianist Evgeny Konnov.

Conductor: Claudia Patanè

Soloist: Evgeny Konnov, piano


Rossini: William Tell Overture

Schubert: Symphony No 3

Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No 3

Conductor Daniel Boico 

(Left: Conductor: Claudia Patanè)

The KZN Philharmonic Orchestra perform their second Early Spring Symphony Season concert on Thursday evening in the Playhouse Opera. Soloist is Russian virtuoso Evgeny Konnov, winner of a string of major international competitions, who will perform the technically daunting piano concerto, Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No 3, under the baton of Italian conductor Claudia Patanè.

Also on the programme is Rossini: William Tell Overture and Schubert: Symphony No 3.

Tickets through Quicket. Performances at 19h00, and rehearsal at 10h00.


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