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Monday, May 6, 2024



Pieter Scholtz and friends invites patrons to the pre-launch on Monday May 6, 2024, at 18h00 of Chris Nicholson’s new book, Who Really Killed Chris Hani? — a book the author, scholar, St Clements regular and retired judge has been meticulously researching for more than 10 years.

The upshot of Nicholson’s probing investigation is a fascinating exposé, which reads rather like a who-done-it thriller. 

Except this is no work of fiction. On the contrary. The author challenges the “bizarre narrative of the mad right-wing Pole with pale blue, staring eyes”, shines a spotlight on some of Hani’s ruthless rivals and enemies within the ANC, and takes the reader on a fascinating journey as he explores the deaths, over three decades, of Patrice Lumumba, Dag Hammarskjöld, Olof Palme, Bernt Carlsson and Anton Lubowski.

Who are they and how are the motives and patterns linked? Come along! Chris will read and discuss and answer questions about the book, how it came together, and some of his fact- and research-based conclusions.

About the book: There is a Setswana saying, ‘Molato ga o bole’, which means some crimes do not go away. One such crime, writes Chris Nicholson, is the murder of Chris Hani on April 10, 1993. Hani, as in “the best president South Africa never had”, this being the view of many, the subject of ongoing speculation and debate, and also the title of Chapter 3 in this exhaustively researched book. An “explosive exposé of the real masterminds and their paymasters” is how Who Really Killed Chris Hani? has been described.

South Africa’s first democratically elected president, President Nelson Mandela, made a speech on being awarded the Chris Hani Award on July 1, 1998, writes Nicholson. “(Mandela) eulogised Hani’s role in the birth of the new dispensation and said, ‘The enemies of change demonised Chris Hani to the end, helping to create the climate in which our nation was robbed of one of its giants…’

“This book attempts to dig out the truth and discover who the ‘enemies of change’ were who contributed to his murder.”

Copies of Who Really Killed Chris Hani? by Chris Nicholson (cover illustration by Sean Simons) will be on sale at a special introductory price of R200 per copy. Or enjoy Nicholson’s special offer: “Buy two and pay for both.” Please bring cash!


Chris Nicholson is the author of seven previously published books including Elgar’s Secret Lover (launched at a St Clem Mondays at 6 in October last year); Papwa Sewgolum, from Pariah to Legend; Permanent Removal: Who Killed the Cradock Four; and The Level Playing Field (An inspirational account of Pietermaritzburg’s Aurora Cricket Club). Click through to read about him on Wikipedia and link through to his website:

If you buy the book, feel welcome to ignore the donation box. Otherwise, as is the norm, please drop in at least R50 (per person).

This evening’s Mondays at 6 programme starts at 18h00.

They plan to be outdoors. If it’s chilly, remember to dress accordingly. If it rains, they will need to set up indoors.

 Bookings limited to diners in support of St Clements restaurant and staff. They stay open specially for these occasions.

Be there in time to order before the performance, scheduled to start at 18h00. Please cancel if you book then can’t make it as they often close booking due to space constraints.

St Clements is situated at 191 Musgrave Road. Mondays @ Six run between 18h00 and 19h00. Table bookings are essential on 031 202 2511. There is no cover charge but there is a donations box to support presenters.

If you wish to dine after the presentation, place your order before 18h00.