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Sunday, August 18, 2024



Francois (the Ha!Man) will give a performance of improvised music at St Clements, 191 Musgrave Road on Friday August 23, 2024.

There are few musicians that would come together and instantly present an audience with a completely improvised recital. This is what HA!Man (Francois le Roux) and Anton Cawthorn-Blazeby have been doing for many years now, even though the “coming together” happens at most twice during a single year.

The HA!Man with his cello, keys, voice, flutes and whistling and Anton with his versatile violin, delight audiences with a wide range of styles and moods, whether a melancholy duet on a base of strings, a jumpy folk-ish dance, a classical vignette or a humorous ear-bender (and what not!). Their particular sympathy for each other and individual high levels of skill, make for a musical journey that remains fresh, exciting, moving and home-coming.

Both were initially classically trained and have wandered down many musical paths. For Anton, it was especially in a Celtic and gypsy direction, with leanings towards jazz, rock and bluegrass. He was part of the ground-breaking instrumental band Landscape Prayers, and has since collaborated with many musicians over a thirty-year performing career.

Francois ( took spontaneous music making as a basis for his international career early on (1992) and keeps travelling widely with the "HA!Man Show" where he often incorporates visual projection, dance and audience participation. His workshops and retreats have impacted on the lives and creativity of many, both amateur and highly accomplished.

The homely St Clements restaurant and garden is a favourite venue for both Anton and Francois and they welcome all on August 23 to experience an evening of unique magic, wonderful food and an embrace by the warm East Coast air.

Who: Francois (Ha!Man) and Ant Cawthorn-Blazeby

What: Improvised Music – a celestial dance!

When: Friday August 23, 2024. 18h00 for 18h30 performance. Doors open from 17h00

Where: St Clements Restaurant, 191 Musgrave Road, Durban

How Much: R120-00 couvert charge. Full bar and meals available from the restaurant

Booking essential as numbers limited - contact 031 202 2511