(Pic: Fruit bowl designed by Carrol Boyes gives an indication of the kind of work expected from this competition)
Fifth annual New Designer Search pioneered by Carrol Boyes.
METAL 2009 is the fifth annual New Designer Search pioneered by Carrol Boyes (Pty) Ltd, to encourage, unearth, and nurture new product design talent in South Africa, from planting the seed of inspiration to witnessing a design idea come to fruition.
Every year, Carrol Boyes invites aspiring designers to submit a three-dimensional prototype based on a particular theme, inspired by originality and innovation. The theme for 2009, FRUITFULL – Design beyond the Bowl, should inspire designers to create a fresh, functional and original prototype of a fruit bowl.
Carrol Boyes explains her choice of theme: “The word ‘Fruitfulness’ evokes an image of fullness, an abundancy, an overflowing of something whether it be an object that is filled to the brim or an idea that has burgeoned and come to fruition,” she explains. ”Fruitfulness is synonymous with productivity, resourcefulness, creativity and innovation. I encourage designers to draw on their own unique inspiration and to think ‘beyond the bowl’ in creating something fresh and innovative”.
Entries open on March 1 and close on June 30, 2009. Entrants need not have any particular design experience or qualification to enter METAL. They simply have to design an innovative and functional product and create a three-dimensional prototype of their design, submit it along with a completed entry form, a copy of their ID and a one page CV to Carrol Boyes (Pty) Ltd.
In order to maximize their chances of winning, designers are encouraged to produce work that can be viably manufactured in aluminium, stainless steel or pewter (the metals in which Carrol Boyes (Pty) Ltd manufactures). Prototypes can, however, be designed using any material that is available to the artist, ranging from wood, to ceramics, to plastic or even wire. In terms of design, Carrol Boyes is looking for fresh and original design talent that is not derivative in any way of her own design style.
Over the past four years, over 950 designers across the country have entered METAL, vying for the first prize of R50,000 and the possibility of working with the Carrol Boyes (Pty) Ltd. design and manufacturing team in the production of their winning prototype. With METAL becoming an institution in the design industry, FRUITFULL – Design Beyond the Bowl is sure to elicit a range of inspiring and innovative responses from South Africa’s design fraternity.
Entry forms for METAL 2009 are downloadable from metal.carrolboyes.co.za or to have an entry form e-mailed to you, contact metal@cbfa.co.za or phone 021 424 8263.