Durban Military Band and Keira Witherkay to appear in next week concerts.
The University of KwaZulu-Natal’s Music School hosts regular lunch hour concerts during semesters.
The two lunch-hour concerts in the forthcoming week will feature the Durban Military band and Keira Witherkay.
Taking place at 12h15 on September 28 in the parking area in front of Howard College, the performance by the Durban Military Band will include drill work before it proceeds into the Howard College Theatre to perform a selection of music from classical to jazz and pop.
On September 30 in Howard College Theatre at12h15, Keira Witherkay, instrumental fingerstyle world music guitarist and percussionist, will be promoting her latest CD. She has developed a multi timbral style of playing that allows her to play bass line/chords/melody or solo and percussion on one instrument, simultaneously.
For more information on both concerts, contact Mandy on 031 260 3353 or email: