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Thursday, August 11, 2011


Following the recent highly successful and enjoyable Pop Up Evening, Music Revival is to present another programme in the same vein, rather sooner than expected!

This time, the inspiration for the evening is the letter ‘M’. The last Pop Up Evening included four pianists simultaneously, a belly dancer, two young singer musicians – a singer-song writer and composer-pianist in original material, a cellist (including a performance of The Swan of cello and four pianists), and three guest vocals.

The Pop Up Evening focuses on visiting young singers Fae Evelyn (soprano) and Thomas Asher (baritone) who will perform the same afternoon at the Tatham Art Gallery but will present a different selection on the ‘M’ theme; Mozart and Musicals. Other guest artists to be confirmed.

The Pop Up Evening takes place on August 14 at 19h00. Tickets R100 (proceeds to the Music Revival Trust) include soup, gluhwein and coffee (served from 18h30). Bring your own wine. The venue is 35 Montgomery Drive, Athlone, Pietermaritzburg and parking is secure. Booking essential on email: or on 033 342 3051.