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Saturday, September 10, 2011


An exhibition by Peter Rich titled Learnt in Translation is due to open at the KZNSA Gallery next week.

Peter Rich is dedicated to the creation of contemporary African architecture. He creates places and spaces that are meaningful, moving and uplifting for all who occupy them. He has been a student, practitioner and teacher of architecture for the past four-and-a-half decades, and during this time he has carried out extensive first-hand research into African vernacular architecture. He has been a pioneer of an architecture that translates the lessons learnt from this research into practice, and as a result is truly African in its essence.

Peter has travelled extensively, and his travel sketches are a mesmerisingly beautiful account of how these journeys have shaped the way he perceives and understands the world. Peter has a long history of working with disadvantaged communities in Africa and in the process he helps to give them a voice by empowering them and providing training and employment that has had a tangible positive effect long outlasting the construction period. As a result, his buildings are truly owned by their users.

Learnt in Translation traces the development of Peter’s work to date. It showcases drawings, models and photographs of completed projects, as well as design development sketches, enabling visitors to gain an understanding of the thinking underpinning the projects. Displayed alongside the architectural works are the influences that have shaped Peter and his architecture: his beautiful travel sketches from around the world, his extensive research into space-making in Ndebele architecture and examples of African art.

This exhibition was made possible by the generous support of The KwaZulu–Natal Institute for Architecture.

Learnt in Translation runs at the KZNSA Gallery from September 13 to October 1, 2011. The KZNSA is situated at 166 Bulwer Road, Glenwood. Enquiries on 031 277 1705 or email: