Renowned jazz singer Natalie Rungan returns to the bluestockings treasure trove in Kloof this weekend to share her latest musical adventure. Natalie’s rich vocal range and dedicated professional approach to fine music has won her the confidence and support of many talented artists and producers the world over. Her latest adventure is a carefully chosen array of accomplished musicians playing unusual instruments to create a unique sound to compliment her “burnt honey” voice and deliver a show that has already had the Jazz community abuzz … the show has been named Dichotomy
The concept is to take popular tunes and Rungan’s own compositions and fuse them with Indian instruments and influences. This time she has also combined a rock flavour with the expertise of Brent Quinton.
“The musicians that will be playing with me for what I have called Dichotomy 2 are very accomplished in their own rights. The blend of both the musicians and the repertoire I have chosen is absolutely beautiful.”
Band members performing will be Neil Gonsalves (keyboards), Brent Quinton (guitar), Bruce Baker (drums) and Manesh Ramjathan (santoor).
Natalie Rungan appears at bluestockings on December 15 at 19h30. Entry R80 with dinner at R50 (by pre-order only). Bluestockings is situated at Dan Pienaar Road, Kloof. Bookings with Narene on 083 659 3628.
Check out Natalie Rungan’s website at www.natalierungan.co.za and watch this video … Natalie Rungan "Good Time Guy" ft. Gerald Albright: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uon0CGT8r5U