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Sunday, March 18, 2012


Formerly of Durban, internationally acclaimed opera singer Sally Silver recently appeared at the Wigmore Hall in Amadigi di Gaula.

This production was directed by the South African-born opera director, Alessandro Talevi, with Christopher Ainslie (also born in South Africa and trained in Britain) took on the role of Amadigi and Robin Blaze Dardano.

Sally Silver played the sorceress Melissa and the following is an extract from the review by Miranda Jackson from Opera Brittania (www.opera-britannia)

“The final member of the quartet was the fine South African soprano, Sally Silver. I think it was the final aria of Act II DesterĂ² dall’empia dite which was for me the outstanding performance of the night. It comes as no surprise that she went from Amadigi into the recording studio with Richard Bonynge to sing Massenet. Perhaps some would say this was a voice which is ‘too big’ for Handel, but Ms Silver is a very talented musician and contained her voice appropriately so as not to blast her fellow singers off the stage. She was also well able to control her vibrato to achieve the clarity I wanted to hear when Handel is being sung. However it is clear that this singer could sing anything from Turnage to Verdi without missing a beat. Her voice and technique are truly world class, her sense of pitch supremely accurate, her vocal agility impressive and she, more than the others, really used the Italian words to express every nuance.”