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Thursday, September 20, 2012


(Landscape by Marc Poisson)

Artist Marc Poisson lives and paints in Ramsgate on the KZN South Coast and exhibits his work throughout South Africa. He will present a one-man exhibition in Durban at The Gallery @ Green with envy from September 28.

Poisson lived in Australia for 12 years, returning each year to South Africa to sell his paintings. He says each time he returned, there was a greater interest and demand for his work. Also, missing his country of birth seemed to enhance the manner in which he captured South Africa’s beauty.

“I could never get to grips with Australia”, he says, “While the country has its own beauty, I longed for the diversity of South Africa, the craggy mountains, lovely architecture, the sunny West Coast harbours and fishing boats. Coming back home, I now appreciate South Africa even more. I am finding stunning scenes to paint in places I never noticed before.”

Poisson likes to work in thick, buttery palette knife techniques with the emphasis on warm sunlight and atmosphere in his diverse subjects. His exhibition comprises 50 paintings from landscapes and boat scenes to the people of Africa. Most works are oils and pastel, all exploring the use of light.

The exhibition opens on September 28 at The Gallery @ Green with Envy, 281 Vause Road, Berea, Durban. More information on 031 220 2041 or 083 385 0654 of visit the Facebook shop or the website at

The Dodds Gallery will be represented at this year’s Witness Hilton Arts Festival running this coming weekend.