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Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Review by Andrew Verster

If you see nothing else this month, don’t miss this exhibition, of which Carol Brown writes, “The quest for beauty has intrigued philosophers and artists since time immemorial. Beauty seems to offer a metaphysical certainty as Keats described in his Ode to a Grecian Urn: “Beauty Is Truth – That Is All Ye Know On Earth, And All You Need To Know”.

He uses painting, embroidery, drawing and ceramics because certain ideas can only be expressed in paint, others in embroidery and so on. And in each, he is craftsman of genius.

Stroebel is in the mould of the ancient explorers who travelled to exotic lands to find things people there had made – and which they could not find at home - that expressed the thoughts and loves and ambitions of the people who lived there. Each pot, each icon, each screen is a biography of the place, and an autobiographer of the artist.

Take time with this brilliant exhibition. Walk round and see everything and then go back and concentrate on one or two. It is on for two weeks and you will need more than one visit to absorb the detail, little by little.

Art does not get better than this. – Andrew Verster

The KZNSA Gallery is situated at 166 Bulwer Road, Glenwood, in Durban. More information on 031 277 1703, fax 031 201 8051 or cell 082 220 0368 or visit