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Wednesday, February 27, 2013


The next meeting of the North Coast Art Group will take place on March 9 in Glenashley.

There will be a presentation by Dr Willem Oets who achieves impressively creative results with photography and Photoshop. He gave an excellent slide show of his work at an NCAG meeting in 2010, which was very well received.

Willem has been a photographer since 1991. He developed as a landscape and abstract photographer and over the past few years has moved into the genre of portrait and figure photography. He teaches photography, Photoshop and audio-visual production in his Durban studio. He also runs a fine-art printing studio and often speaks at photographic congresses.He presents annual photography and visual design workshops in the Namib Desert. For more information, visit

The NCAG Meeting will take place on March 9 at 09h00 for 09h15 at the Church of the Blessed Sacrament Hall, Glenashley. New members are welcome.

More information on the North Coast Art Group from Rowena Wilkinson (President) on 031 566 6910 or 072 148 8194 or email: or Barbara Becke (Secretary) on 031 562 1873 or 083 797 7917 or email: