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Sunday, April 14, 2013


 (Andrew Warburton)

The School of Arts: MUSIC at the University of KwaZulu-Natal will present acclaimed South African concert pianist Andrew Warburton in a recital of Spanish piano works by composers such as Isaac Albeniz and Enrique Granados.

These composers were both virtuoso pianists (Albeniz having studied with Liszt) and their works explore the vibrant melodies and rhythms of their native land. Also featured and discussed will be the great influence that Spanish music has had on composers from other countries, most notably the French composer Maurice Ravel. Highlights of this recital will be performances of Ravel’s Alborada del gracioso and the equally virtuosic Allegro de concierto by Granados.

The concert will take place tomorrow (April 15) from 12h15 to 13h00 in Howard College Theatre at UKZN. Entrance is free. For more information, contact Babalwa Mentjies on 031 260 3353.