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Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Award -winning poet and playwright , Kobus Moolman recently launched his new collection of poetry , Left Over  (Dye Hard Press) at Ike's Books & Collectables.

Moolman, who teaches Creative Writing at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, has just returned from a three-month writer's residency at Rhodes University.

Representing his sixth collection of poems, Left Over describes the inner world of a man dealing with what the poet calls “being in the flesh, being a body in the world.”

Sparse but dense, the prose-like poetry is arresting in its intensity and power. as Cape Town critic Kelwyn Sole comments: " Kobus Moolman's elliptical, foreshortened poetry opens up a world of exploration and heightened experience from which the reader eventually emerges, chastened but delighted. These are poems of acumen, depth and extraordinary pressure."

For more information contact Cedric Sissing on 082 873 2702 or email:  or phone Cedricor Joanne at Ike's Books on 031 303 9214.