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Thursday, October 30, 2014


("Bird Artefacts" by Anthea Martin & "Mountains" by Catherine Stempowski)

Anthea Martin and Catherine Stempowski will present their exhibition The Earth Laughs in the Middle Gallery of artSPACE durban next week.

Anthea Martin looks at the decay of flowers, seeds, plants and the cast off homes of sea creatures. A memento mori which reflects on mortality and the vanity of earthly life. Memento mori has been an important part of ascetic disciplines, as a means of cultivating detachment and turning attention towards immortality of the soul and often to specific artistic symbolic reminders of transience of all things. Martin’s charcoal drawings explore these ideas by looking at flowers, seeds and shells.

Catherine Stempowski draws on her personal experience with the landscape from the Central Drakensberg, specific areas in the Limpopo Province,  Mozambique and her garden. Through charcoal drawing she explores the spaces between, the lost spaces, the hidden places. This allows negative space to define the subject of rocks, plants, earth and sky."Without light there are no shadows, there is no form," she explains. Through her drawings one sees how moving light (the sun) fragments structure, redefines shapes, and sets new horizons: a constant rebirth, an ever-changing memory. Stempowski believes that she has to be barefoot to hear the earth laugh.

Dr John Roome, Fine Art Lecturer at the Durban University of Technology, will give the opening talk on November 3 at 18h00 for 18h30 and runs until November 22 at 14h00. artSPACE durban is situated at 3 Millar Road (off Umgeni Road) close to the Waste Centre. More information on 031 312 0793 or visit or