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Sunday, March 19, 2023



The Horn Concerto (a convincing and spirited performance by Shannen Thebus) provided a refreshing alternative for this week's soloist. Although conservative in content, Strauss exploited most effectively the horn's unique qualities and, interestingly, made reference to the traditional valve-free horn by fashioning his themes after the style of the 'hunting horn'. (Review by Barbara Trofimczyk)

The third concert in the KZN Philharmonic Orchestras Summer Season took place at the Playhouse Theatre on March 16, 2023.

The programme featured Mendelssohn’s Overture Op2; Strauss’s Horn Concerto, and Brahms’ 4th Symphony. Conductor was Bernard Gueller and Horn soloist: Shannen Thebus.

The concert was once again well-attended and, as if to follow on from last weeks 'romantic' fare, three more 19th century items were on the programme.

Both the Overture and the Concerto are youthful works by highly-gifted teenage composers that grew up in the creative atmosphere of domestic music-making. Their compositions are uncomplicated and fresh.

Mendelssohn's Overture, delightfully descriptive (if you know your Shakespeare) and full of many fast notes, contrasting dynamics and effective interplay between the various instruments, made an excellent opener.

The Horn Concerto provided a refreshing alternative for this week's soloist. Although conservative in content, Strauss exploited most effectively the horn's unique qualities and, interestingly, made reference to the traditional valve-free horn by fashioning his themes after the style of the 'hunting horn'. Shannen Thebus gave a convincing and spirited performance of the concerto, his tone full and warm, at times dominant and brassy but always in command in spite of an occasional rhythmic instability in the fast finale.

After interval the orchestra, suitably augmented and under the able direction of Bernard Gueller, gave an impressive performance of The Fourth Symphony by Brahms. The players coped brilliantly with the ongoing intricate, contrapuntal interweaving of the thematic ideas in a beautifully textured orchestral score. It was a superb ending to the concert. - Barbara Trofimczyk


The next – and final – concert in the Summer Series will take place next Thursday (March 23, 2023) in the Playhouse Opera at 19h00.

Save 15-20% on single tickets through the KZNPO offices by emailing or by calling on 031 369 9438. Bookings can also be made online via Quicket

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